Monday 3 February 2020

Traditional Tales: 3 Billy Goats Gruff

Continuing our traditional tale theme, this week we have been learning the story ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. After reading the story some of the children in nursery have helped to paint a bridge and others created a billy goat using different materials and sticking them on with glue. Then we read a different version of the story when the troll was kind and wanted to be friends with the goats. A few children then were able to choose if they wanted to paint a bright green scary troll or a kind, friendly troll. Lots of children also had a wonderful time putting on the different sized goats or troll masks and acting out the story. We have also built some wonderful bridges using big and small blocks for the goats to trip trap across which we then repeated in our PE lesson, climbing across the bench and jumping off!

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