Sunday 29 March 2020

The Assasin- By Erin

Please enjoy Erin's 'Assassin' write! Great work Erin!

The Cat and the Mouse

A curtain of darkness drew across the night sky, as an eerie silver light from the moon, beamed down onto the ground that was full of dangerous flittering shadows. The long, wide alleyway awaited as the killer searched the desolate dingy area for his unfortunate victim.  

As he approached the back of a large detached house; it was impossible to see behind the high wooden gates and the killers pulse raced with anticipation. “Time to shine,” the killer sneered as he smirked to himself.

He looked through the twisted railings and in front of him, in the gloom, were dark, crumbling stones, thorny bushes and knee high grass. Weeds and ivy had eaten their way into the cracks of the walls and spread their tentacles into every crevice.

Minutes felt like hours as the killer waited. Then he heard his chance to strike. Crack! Crunch! The assassin gave an evil smile and deviously got into position. His heart thumped loudly inside his chest. All of a sudden, the killer heard another rustle behind a huge bush. He crept over, ready to pounce. Without warning, tensing his body, he dived into the undergrowth.

“For goodness sake,” he furiously muttered to himself. The noise was just a whisk of wind. The killer got to his feet and hurriedly hid behind a wall to fix this embarrassment of a murder. Finally, he saw a shadow scurry across the road opposite the house; “This is it,” whispered the killer. He quickly ran down the narrow, sweeping drive and across the road, where he waited for his moment. This new house he was stalking, had oak trees lined down each side of the drive, which created fake lingering shadows. 

He stared into the darkness and heard sounds coming from the path. He hurtled into position and waited cunningly. With a huge leap, he jumped and grabbed his victim. Stab! Slash! “I guess my work here is done,” snarled the Assassin. A dead mouse lay sprawled on the deserted pavement. The victorious cat had accomplished his mission. He grabbed the lifeless body of the mouse with his sharp teeth and trotted home to impress his owner…

By Erin

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