Sunday 15 March 2020

Year 5 Newsletter

"As digital natives, we recognise the benefits of having mobile phones or other devices in the classroom..."  This is what we have been campaigning for in English by writing persuasive letters to Mrs Moore.  At first, we were not even convinced ourselves but then we realised the amount of paper that we could save as well as the benefits of fostering independence and developing e-safety skills in a safe environment.  In maths, we have been learning about percentages, including the links to decimals and fractions.  We have enjoyed this topic so much that some of us even stayed behind after class to create interesting word problems for others to solve!  In history, we have continued to explore women's rights and have expanded our knowledge to look at modern day gender inequalities.  We were all shocked to discover that the prize fund in the women's FA Cup is only 1% of the £32 million that is in the men's FA Cup prize fund.  Without a shadow of a doubt though, the highlight of the last fortnight has been the poetry slam.  Every year 5 class brought a tear to the judges' eyes as the power of performance evoked emotions all round.

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