Tuesday 7 March 2017

What does it mean to be brave?

Children in KS1 P4C club were thinking about bravery today, specifically brave animals. They had to decide which animals they thought might be brave and which they thought were more cowardly. Children decided that lions, elephants and whales (amongst other large or fearsome creatures) were brave, and smaller creatures such as mice, frogs and tortoises weren't brave at all.

We then watched a video depicting a story called "The Lion Inside"

Children then discussed the story and many changed their minds! They decided that maybe mice were quite brave as they have to do things that might be scary. Perhaps elephants weren't quite so brave after all, as they might run away from a mouse. 

Children thought carefully about what it meant to be brave:
"doing something that might be scary like getting a blood test"

Children also questioned whether you can 'look' brave, or be brave all the time:
"I don't think bravery looks like anything, I think it's inside you"
"I think I can be brave sometimes, and not brave sometimes"

Children then drew pictures of animals that were brave, in their opinion. There were some made up creatures, some creatures that were half of one animal and half another, and some creatures that were brave only in specific situations (like a fish facing up to a shark!)

I wonder what bravery looks like to you?

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