Friday 20 September 2019

Year 3 Newsletter

Year 3
What a fabulous start to year three the children have had! We have had great fun learning about our new artists, Paul Klee and Jackson pollock, and have created some fantastic work of our own in their style!  In English, The Magic Box by poet Kit Wright has inspired us to write our own magic box poems using some of the things that are most important to us as stimuli.  The children have written them up beautifully so that we can create a poetry anthology for our book corners.
The children have taken bold strides in maths, moving from 2 digit numbers to understanding more about 3 digit numbers.  This will continue over the coming weeks.  Our fabulous topic has started with the children going back in time over 4 thousand years ago to Ancient Egypt! They gave their initial thoughts on the big question Ancient Egyptians:Savvy or Savage? and then discovered more about three of the pharaohs after placing them on a timeline.  We found out some great things and some not so nice things about the phaorahs so many of us changed our minds about the big question.
We watched a heartfelt film about a family who live with achondroplasia for Jeans for Genes day tried to put ourselves in their shoes by imagining living in a land of giants.  In pairs the children designed a gadget that would help them in their day to day lives in this land.  We had some brilliant grabbers, jet pack boosters, hoverboards and a chair that rises up and down!
The children have settled in brilliantly and we’re looking forward to the rest of the term with them!

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