Monday 1 July 2019

Year 4 newsletter

Year 4 have had a very busy week, including creating our own Viking characters, practising for the final strings performance, learning about sounds in Science and of course, sports day!

During the morning of sports day, we studied different countries of interest to our classes. Rousseau and Moore looked at Norway (one of the Scandinavian countries that the Vikings came from) whilst Gormley studied Canada (where Mr Wilson is from). The children learnt about the foods, languages and culture of these countries before making a weaving basket to hold their gingerbread men!
And although Mexico came out victorious again, all the children agreed they had a great time participating and enjoyed the different activities they did. As always, the ice lollies at the end helped! 

We cannot give too much away about our Viking characters just yet as we will be reading extracts of our work and presenting our Vikings to you at the ‘Vikingology’ event in Waterstones in a few weeks time.

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