Saturday 30 January 2021

Year 5 Newsletter

In year 5 this week, the children have been working very hard in English to create their own made up animals -inspired by the rhiswanozebtah, can you guess the four animals that make this creature? They then took on the task to write an information text about these fictional creatures, where they varied their sentence starters and used lots of parenthesis for extra information! These information texts were fascinating to read and we didn’t know it was possible for the children to sound like such animal experts about made up creatures! In PSHE this week, the children explored expressing their feelings through similes and comparing these feelings to animals. The children then turned these feelings on their head to focus on the here and now! The children have also explored family trees in our new Tudor topic and they had the task to create their own family tree to work out who would be king or queen in their Royal Family!

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