Friday 7 December 2018

Year 3 Update

This week year 3 have been deepening their understanding of light and shadows in science. They explored how shadows are made and how shadows change shape and size. The children made their own shadow shapes and traced round the shadows made when they held the torch in different places.

They have also been making great progress in maths having learnt how to use the formal written of addition to add two, three digit numbers together.

In English we have been innovating our model recount letter in preparation for our hot task. This time we are writing as Ollie the owl who witnessed Little Red Riding Hood's grandma get gobbled up by the wicked wolf. We have been developing our editing and improving skills by polishing the teachers' and their own writing.

We have also started our preparations for our fundraiser for the Indonesia earthquake and tsunami appeal on Friday 14th December at 2.15pm. We are getting very excited about raising money for such a worthy cause.

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