Friday 3 December 2021

Reception - Newsletter

The children in Reception have noticed that there is definitely a chill in the air lately! They have even had a message from Olaf the Snowman! Olaf spoke about how he didn't want it to be cold anymore, and he really wanted it to be sunny and warm... uh oh! The children tried to explain to Olaf why this wasn't a very good idea, using the new words they have been learning...

"Olaf you will melt!"

"Olaf you will defrost!"

Olaf you will thaw out!"

Unfortunately, Olaf just wouldn't listen! So the children got to work trying to show Olaf what happens to ice and snow when it gets warm. We found some ice from the freezer and tried to think of some warm places. Rocco thought that if we sent the ice to Australia, that would be a sure way to get it to melt! However, we didn't have any access to a plane so we tried to think of the warmest places in the classroom. We predicted that underneath the light in the teacher's cupboard and underneath the cushions in the cosy corner would cause the ice to melt most quickly. After observing the ice carefully, the children found that...

"The cupboard is warmer"

...because it caused the ice to melt most quickly!

The children also really enjoyed using their warm hands to melt the ice and make marks using the melting ice as their 'paint' or 'ink'.


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