Monday 6 December 2021

Year 2 Newsletter

 Last week was a very busy week for year 2. We enjoyed a visit from Nancy from SCARF and explored how to keep safe with our friends, we challenged ourselves in maths with tricky subtraction problems and recapped all of our last term's learning in science which was all about animals, including humans.

We loved having Nancy and Gerald the giraffe to visit. We helped Gerald and his friends make good choices as he went to the park. We decided that it was a bad idea to talk to strangers and a good idea to let your grownups know where you are. 

In writing, we are writing a non-chronological report on Hibernation. We had two experience days where we learnt about hibernation and what animals hibernate. We used drama to do this. We were interested to discover that different animals hibernate in different ways. Insects bury holes underground, dormice snuggle up in nests and bats hang upside down in caves.

We have been collecting sentences to create our class sentence stack. This is a non-chronological report which includes all of our different sentences that we have written over the last couple of weeks. Our teachers have been so impressed with our writing. We will be adding a how, when and fun fact paragraph this week to finish it off! 

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