Friday 22 November 2019

Year 6 go Up! Up! Up!

This week the children were blown away by Dan from the Royal Institution of Science. He 'wowed' the children with his scientific demonstrations in our morning assembly- inclusive of multiple bangs and flashes!

Following the theme of 'Up! Up! Up!', the children were then given the opportunity to investigate lift and gravitational forces. The children designed and made their own helicopters. They were able to adapt their designs and test the proficiency of them by recording the time it took their helicopters to land and the number of times their propellers rotated.

In the afternoon, the children were then able to wow their parents, siblings and carers. The children showed off their rockets designs and set their rockets off using the chemical reaction between Alka Seltzer tablets and water. The children learnt that the chemical reaction produced a CO2 build up within the film canisters creating a pressure build up making the lid pop! This led to our discussion over Newton's third law of motion explaining why when the rocket went off on its side, the lid went one way and the rocket went the other- for ever reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction. As well as learning all of this the children had a great time and we hope that we encouraged their love of learning! Thank you to all our guests who came to watch and share the children's excitement on this brilliant day.

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