Wednesday 6 February 2019

Reception Writing Challenges

Miss Lawrence and Miss Clarke always look forward to opening their mail in the morning to see what writing challenges have been completed each week! Here are just a few of the incredible pieces of work that are coming our way.

Thank you for the hard work at home to encourage your children to engage with writing. We are seeing a real difference in writing confidence at school!

As a quick reminder, we ask children to write using their phonic knowledge for decodeable words, rather than give them the correct spelling. This way, the children will really benefit in terms of confidence and phonic awareness. A few useful phrases when working with your children may include:

"What sounds can you hear in (this word)?"
"That's great I can hear that sound too!"
"What sound comes next?"
"Can you use your fred fingers?"

It may be that your child is curious about the correct spelling of a word. In this case, you can encourage a phonic attempt at writing, and then explore the actual spelling together. This can create wonderful discussions about how our language constantly tries to trick us!

Red words, or tricky words, are to be spelt correctly. Using the phrase "You can't Fred a Red!" will act as a friendly reminder that these words just have to be learnt. You can find this list of words here.

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