Monday 14 October 2019

Making Mathematicians in Nursery!

In the last few weeks, Potter class have been working on our maths skills. The children learnt some number skills through making play-dough hedgehogs and practised naming 2D shapes by making shape pictures based on the story 'Mouse Shapes' by Ellen Stoll Walsh.

In the play-dough hedgehogs activity
the children rolled the die and had to count
how many spots they had rolled. They then
had to count out the same number of sticks.
The sticks became the hedgehogs spines 
and once they had done this a few times they 
had to count all the sticks together. 

In the shape picture activity the children used familiar 2D shapes (circle, square, tringles and rectangles) to make a picture of either a 
mouse, robot, house or truck. The children learnt lots of shape and number songs to help them retain the maths knowledge they were learning. WELL DONE EVERYONE!

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