Sunday 20 October 2019

Year 3 Newsletter

The human skeleton, muscles and joints have been the focus for our science lessons recently and we've loved learning some fun facts about our bodies!    In order to label the bones on a human skeleton, the children had to first find the correct information from the posters around the classroom. They completed a range of exercises to find out which muscles they used, found out about different types of joints and made a hinge joint to show how a muscle works by contracting and relaxing. 

In PSHE, we have been learning some facts about cigarettes and alcohol which led us to sorting things that can help or harm us such as medicine, food, exercise, cigarettes, alcohol and sleep.  We decided that both food and medicine can help us but can also harm us if not taken properly so we made posters to explain this.
In English, we've been planning our own fables and will be writing these this week.  We can't wait to read them!  In our topic lesson, we've learned how pyramids were built and will be re-enacting this over the next few days!

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