Thursday 8 October 2020

Year 4 Victorian Day

“Ma’am, what was life like in Victorian schools?” 

On Tuesday, Year 4 became Victorian school children! We followed the rules that were created in Victorian schools such as, calling our teachers “Ma’am”, standing behind our chairs when an adult entered the room, using the dunce’s hat and reciting the Lord’s Prayer. Luckily, no one got the cane! 

In our workshop, we used drama to consider the emotions that children in Victorian workhouses would feel. We also imaged street scenes of the time and used drama to replicate this. We really enjoyed Mrs Moore and Mrs Millward’s performance as Madge and Madge auditioning for the show, Oliver Twist! 

On the playground we played Victorian games including hopscotch with a pebble and follow the leader! Even though these games do not include any modern technology or equipment, we found them great fun!

Both classes also became detectives when helping to solve a Victorian murder! We were given clues about the victim and suspect that we had to interpret and piece together in order to name the culprit! Both classes were successful! 

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