Thursday 15 October 2020

Year 5 Newsletter

 Another fantastic week of learning in Year 5 - from being Mayan farmers to astrologers looking at the moon!

In writing lessons this week, the children were able to successfully write a set of instructions on how to wash a pet of their choice. We had animals from all over the world, including some which could be argued have never actually walked the Earth! 

In Topic, we have been looking at the climate and environment of Ancient Maya and how the Mayans used sophisticated farming techniques to be able to feed their estimated 20 million people population!

We have continued on our space voyage this week by looking at the phases of the moon and how these 8 phases change throughout the month! Thanks to Mrs Moore’s assembly we were also able to discuss the event ‘oppositon’. This is where Mars and Earth face each other in their orbits and allows Mars to be seen from Earth with the naked eye! 

Finally, we were visited again by the police this week! This time the children discussed with them the issue of ‘environmental crime’. The children were very passionate about littering and impressed the officers with their knowledge and passion. 

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