Monday 5 October 2020

Year 6 newsletter

 Another fascinating week of learning in Year 6 - with everything from Lord Kitchener to blood soup on the timetable!

In Topic we have been examining the vital role propaganda played in World War I. We discussed how these emotive posters would have made people feel - and the huge impact they would have had on pushing the 'patriotic duty' a man had to sign up to the army. We were all surprised to see how many thousands and thousands of men queued up to enlist when war first broke out; the power of propaganda was a huge part of this.

In Science, the children have been learning about what blood actually does and the different components that make up this integral part of our circulatory system. 

We were all surprised to learn that we all need red and white blood cells, plasma and platelets in our blood - and that all these things have very distinct roles. After making our 'soup' and understanding how these components work; we enjoyed a discussion about different blood types, what it means to be rhesus negative or positive and the importance of blood donation.

We have also ventured back into the world of Gothic fiction this week, with the children visiting an old, forgotten 'Secret Garden'. What lies inside this eerie, vine-choked space is destined to make us feel uneasy, uncomfortable and filled with relentless tension. With the Immersion Room as a 'hook', everyone then wrote their Gothic masterpieces - showing just how well the children have understood this genre.

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