Wednesday 25 November 2020

How are animals adapted to survive where they live?

 So far this topic we have researched how animals are adapted to live in the desert and the ocean (we realised they have very different adaptations!)

We particularly enjoyed the following adaptations and hope you do too! 

In the desert, 

Fennec Foxes have large ears so that they can hear very quiet sounds and they can also let out excess heat when they are very hot! 

Lions have fur which is camouflaged with the colour of the sand - this means that they can hide from their prey and sneak up on them!

Camels have leathery soles on the bottom of their feet to protect them from the hot sand! They also have these leathery pads on their knees so that they can kneel down. 

In the ocean, 

Turtles have a hard shell to protect them from predators! They are also cold blooded so that their body temperature regulates itself in the ocean water. 

All fishes that live in the sea have gills to breathe through. 

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