Monday 23 November 2020

Year 1 Newsletter

Year 1 Newsletter 

 Scrumptious Smoothies!

We have been food technologists over the past couple of weeks in Year 1 and have been taste testing a variety of shop bought smoothies.  We looked at the packaging and the nutritional information shown on the traffic light system.  The strawberry and banana and mango and passionfruit smoothies were definitely the favourites but the cucumber, kiwi and lime smoothie did not go down as well!  

After this we decided that we would like to make our own forest fruit smoothies and in our next lesson, we tasted 5 different forest fruits.  After trying them all, we chose our favourites that we would like to include in our smoothie recipe.  Mrs Smith and Mrs Witney were very proud that all the children tried all the different fruits even when they weren't too keen!  We cannot wait to make our own smoothies and taste how delicious they are!  We will also be designing our own packaging too!

Marvellous Maths

Exploring pentominoes was the name of the game for us earlier last week.  A pentomino is a shape made by joining 5 squares side by side.  In pairs we made our own pentomino with multilink cubes and then wrote addition number sentences to describe it.  This lesson was very tricky but all the children were Agent Openminded and had a go!


Then our maths learning moved onto subtraction!  We have been making up our own subtraction stories and writing number sentences to match them.

Wonderful Writing

In CIP we have read the story of The Last Wolf by Mini Grey.  It is a thought provoking story of Little Red who goes off in search of a wolf in the forest.  She discovers the last wolf, the last lynx and the last bear living a house in a tree trunk.  Little Red realises that they are the last animals living in the forest because the rest of their habitat has been cut down to create space to build houses.  As a result she decides to grow some trees to replant the forest.  

We made lists of the things we would pack in our rucksacks to take on a forest adventure.  We also wrote speech and thought bubbles to add to pictures from the story. 

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