Monday, 4 June 2018

18th May 2018 Pupil Forum - Charities

In pupil forum this week we discussed charities: what they are, what they do and how they help people in need. There was a strong general agreement that charities work hard to help make lives better. Some children were keen to share how they had been involved with charities and which ones were particularly important to them.

Many children were able to name several charities including Grove Cottage, Cancer Research, Water Aid, Children’s charities and animal rescue charities.

A few children felt it was wrong that there was not enough money to research serious medical conditions and that the Government should provide the money, rather than charities having to raise it themselves.

When asked whether they felt it was important to support charities, the children believed it was. Some reasons given were:
“It’s important for everyone to have the same opportunities.”
“We all have responsibility to help the environment.”
“We should help to make everyone healthy.”

The conclusion was that the children wanted to support charities more at school and suggested talent shows, cake sales, sponsored events and non uniform days to raise money.  There was even a suggestion of the teachers going in stocks and having wet sponges thrown at them to raise money!
Watch this space!

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