Friday 13 July 2018

Igniting Aspirations in Miro Class!

What a fantastic week we have had in Miro learning about lots of different jobs that our parents do. Thank you so much to all the parents who have given up their time to visit us and share their talents! The week really has been wonderful thanks to all of your efforts.

Tom and Will's dad talked to us about his work as a designer. We loved using the Wacom to draw on the interactive whiteboard! 

Elsbeth's mum talked to us about her work as a computer programmer. We enjoyed role playing a shopping trip to understand how much we rely on computers.

Milo's dad spoke to us about his work as a musician. He even helped us to record our own 'We are Miro Class' song! 

Nathaniel's mum talked to us about her work as a gardener. We really enjoyed looking at the tools and equipment and making our own bird feeders.

Nathaniel's dad spoke about his work as a lawyer. We enjoyed talking about what laws we have and why we need laws. He showed us some amazing pens and even gave us some to try out!

 Kasjan's dad talked about his work as a taxi driver. We had so many questions for him! The children loved hearing about the interesting people he has met.

Emilie's mum also came to speak to us about her work as a scientist studying parasites. We were fascinated by a video of lots of parasites moving around!

Thank you again to all the parents who supported the week. The children have truly been inspired!

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