Thursday, 30 November 2017

RWI parent's information

      There is now a RWI (Read, Write, Inc) page on the school website. 
                           Click on 'curriculum' and scroll down.  
All of the information that I discussed at the Parent's meetings is on there.  Including the power point, red words and a link to the RWI website.
If you have any questions don't hesitate to come and see me.

Debra Price

Finding the Perfect Snowflake!

The most exciting thing happened at school today... it started to snow! The snow fell so gently that we were able to see each individual snowflake really clearly. Layla noticed that the snowflakes showed particularly clearly on Miss Lawrence's fleece. Leanora spotted individual flakes in the grass, and we even found beautiful little snowflakes in the fluff or our hoods and our hair!

Layla found some on Miss Lawrence's fleece 

Leanora found snowflakes in the grass

Zak found snowflakes in Layla's hair

Snowflakes on the fluff of Zak's hood
In the afternoon, the children wanted to make their own paper snowflakes in their activity time, cutting unique and delicate designs very carefully.

Adding Baubles!

In Degas today we wanted to put up our Christmas tree so we used our maths brains to help us! We rolled two dice and added the numbers together, this told us how many baubles we could put onto our tree! We used our fingers to help us add- the children are getting really confident with this now.

We had great fun decorating our tree and adding at the same time.

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Done Class Handwriter of the Week

Well done Rhys Webb, fantastic improvements to your handwriting.

Year 3 Done Class Drama workshop- Anti-bullying

Done Class have been thinking about emotions and how they make us feel.
These photographs portray: Sad, Lonely, Frightened and Angry.

Year 3 took part in an anti-bullying workshop this morning. They were giving the words sad, lonely, frightened and angry and were asked to perform in small groups to create freeze-frames to show these different emotions. They then took turns to put themselves in the role of a victim who had unkind words said to them and they had to show how they would feel after hearing these words. We obviously have some future acting superstars in Towns and, more importantly, children worked reflectively to think about how their words can impact upon others.