Tuesday, 31 January 2017

How does your Garden grow?

This week in Reception, we have been singing the Nursery Rhyme "Mary Mary Quite Contrary". 
Not only have we be singing the 'normal' version, we've also invented our own! 
Here's Mason's reinvented rhyme:

Mary Mary quite contraryHow does your garden grow?With silver bells and dinosaur bonesand pretty bones all in a row, row, rowPretty bones all in a row.

We have also been working on scientific drawings of flowers. We embodied all the agents to give constructive feedback to our partners to enable them to improve on their draft each time. 

Here are a few examples of the observational drawings we produced, after taking on feedback and constructive criticism from our friends.
Heath's drafts and final drawing
Finlay's drafts and final drawing

Original image

Original image

We also went to the immersion room and watched a time lapse video of buds opening up into flowers. The children sketched their favourite flowers from the video, as they watched them bloom.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Would you rather...?

In KS1 P4C club, we developed a series of "Would You Rather.." questions 
to get to know our new friends and to get our brains whirring!

This called upon many skills, including collaboration through working in pairs,
creativity to develop ideas and critical thinking to give reasons for choices.
Children also developed their literacy skills through reading and writing their questions.

I wonder which choices you will make...?

Alex and Alexandra's question cards

Fenton, Megan and Roseline's question cards

Charlotte and Matty's question cards

Zain and George's question cards

Lola and  Alfi's question cards

James and Nicky's question cards

Sienna, Abigail, Vincent and Vali's question cards

Monday, 23 January 2017


Last week, children in Cassatt class braved the cold weather to play in the snow! The children enjoyed trying to catch the snowflakes and finding little shelters from the icy cold wind. 

Finding shelters

Catching snowflakes

Seeing the snow fall

Tuesday, 17 January 2017


On Friday in Degas class we wrapped up warm in our forest outfits, coats, hats, scarves and gloves and walked to the top field. We were very excited because it was snowing and many children hadn't experienced the snow before. We walked through the snow and when we got to the top field we stood with our eyes closed listening to the noises around us and could feel the snow hitting our hoods on our coats. We had a lot of fun in the snow making snow angels.

Friday, 13 January 2017

Ordering numbers

In maths this week we have been working on ordering numbers.

We have ordered numbers in a variety of ways.

We worked together in our house groups to order the Numicon from one to ten. Everyone demonstrated brilliant team work and we were so impressed by how the children used different methods to order their Numicon.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a... climbing frame..?

This week, children in Reception have been experimenting with balance, testing to see what the best materials and conditions are for Humpty to balance on various things. When the children were outside, they used masking tape and blue tack to prevent their egg from blowing away in the wintery wind!

Alfie used Jenga blocks

Kateryna added sides and a roof to stop Humpty from falling

These children worked together to build a sturdy tower and
used the circles to hold the eggs in place