Sunday, 31 January 2021

Super star 6! Year 6 Newsletter

 Wow! Where to start with the wonderful year 6? They have shown nothing but positivity, enthusiasm, energy and a real desire to learn over the last few weeks - and this is so very clear in every piece of work they produce. Three classes of motivated children; we are delighted with both their attitudes and the quality of work they're producing.

In English, we have been working on discussion texts, and investigating some age old debates such as...'Jack, hero or criminal?' and ' The Three Little Pigs....guilty or not guilty?' We have had plenty of interesting characters to meet along the way, and the children have used excellent techniques and writing skills to produce pieces that truly belong on 'Question Time'. Our work culminated in using oracy skills to showcase the work produced - we can tell you now, there is a new generation of politicians, news readers and activists coming soon!

Ianthe's wonderful writing.

Bradley presenting his debate!

Josh playing multiple characters:

Lexi, the professional news reporter:

Vivian reporting from The Carey News at 5!

Science has been great fun, as the children have followed in the footsteps of Alessandro Volta and begun work on electrical circuits. They have had great fun drawing circuits, building them online...and, in some cases, building circuits in real life! We have been so pleased to see clear knowledge being built; using both series and parallel circuits.

Oliver K’s circuit

Jess's scientific diagrams:

Nadim experimenting with different circuit diagrams:

Maths has been a triumph - all three classes have shown real determination to master order of operations, and master it they have! This skill will be so useful as they continue through their education, and every, single child has shown excellent understanding - accompanied by beautifully set out work.

Erin’s careful maths 

We have also been imagining we are holidaying in Paris, and ordering delicious food from French restaurants and cafes...while also learning to explain what foods we do and don't like. The amazing role play videos received show fantastic accents - while the menus have made us determined to visit France as soon as possible for moules-frites!

                                                    Antonia's menu - formidable! Et aussi, le menu Chez Charles!

Year 6, you are just brilliant. Keep up this wonderful work - you have so much to be very proud of!

Year 1 Newsletter

 Wonderful Year One!

The children in Year 1 have continued to astound us with the outstanding standard of home learning that we have received over the past couple of weeks.  Though they have not always found it easy, they have been resilient and persevered and we could not be prouder of them.  A huge thank you again to the parents for your support and feedback that has enabled us to adjust and improve our remote teaching.  Here is some of the incredible work that our extra special children have done. 

Over a week, the children wrote their own version of the traditional African story 'How Tortoise got his shell'.  They made a few changes to the original which showed their wonderful imaginations!

Here are Archie's, Theo A and Miri's stories. 


Theo A


After our story writing, we moved onto information writing all about African elephants.  The children were asked to watch some videos and be elephant detectives, looking and listening out for what elephants use their ears, tusks and trunks for.  Then they had to label a picture and many children also wrote explanations too!  At the end of the week, the children had a go at answering questions in an African Elephant quiz and used their research to write their own quiz questions for us to answer!!  
We have LOVED answering their questions, though not always getting them right! 
Well done Year 1!  Your quizzes were fabulous and great fun to try to answer! 

Ariana made notes on the uses of the ears, trunk and tusks.

Darcy and Milla wrote excellent explanations!

Here are some of the brilliant African Elephant quiz questions written by Year 1.  We learnt a bit about different types of questions beforehand such as multiple choice and true or false. 
How many can you answer?

Where do elephants live?  England, Africa or Antarctica?
How many hours do elephants eat for?  14, 18 or 16
What do elephants use their tails for?
How big is an elephant brain?  3kg or over 5kg
Elephants use toothpaste. True or false?
Elephants use mud as sunscreen.  True or false?
What do elephants eat?  leaves, meat or cornflakes?
When can a baby elephant walk?  After 1,000, 000 days, after 1-2 hours or when they are 12?

Continuing with our fabulous Africa topic, the children have been learning about paper collage and using different tearing and cutting techniques.  Here are some of their beautiful African animal art work. 

Sebastian O's Lion                                          Frankie's Lion

Eva's Zebra

   Rylee's Giraffe

Ricardo's Tortoise

Theo G's Cheetah

Learning about the senses has been the name of the game in our science home learning and the children have undertaken taste tests this week!

Layla all prepared and ready to go!

I wonder what Louie was trying?              Roya was not keen on the lemon!

Brilliant recording from Finley and Ariana!

They have also been busy with different balancing and jumps in PE, responding to African music and learning about pulse in music, thinking about belonging in RE as well as doing some extra learning of their own too!
You are awesome Year 1!  

Different types of jumping by Eddie and Luke!

Logan, Poppy-Rose and Frank clapping to the pulse of Hot Cross Buns!

Saturday, 30 January 2021

Nursery newsletter - ice experiments

 It has been delightful to see all the smiling faces as we have been back in school.

 We have been able to continue with our ice experiments for our Winter topic watching the ice melt and turn into water then freezing again over night for the next day. It has been very exciting and the children have enjoyed trying to break the penguins out of the ice. 

We have also been continuing to listen to the traditional tale stories and singing lots of nursery rhymes. 
Our story this week was 'Little Red Riding Hood' and we enjoyed dressing up and playing with the characters of Little Red Riding Hood, especially the wolf. We also learnt about stranger danger and how we must not talk to people who we do not know. 

Every day in nursery we love to paint and this week we have been learning all about numbers and we even had a go at painting a number 2 and we did brilliantly. 

Well done nursery, you are amazing. 

Year 5 Newsletter

In year 5 this week, the children have been working very hard in English to create their own made up animals -inspired by the rhiswanozebtah, can you guess the four animals that make this creature? They then took on the task to write an information text about these fictional creatures, where they varied their sentence starters and used lots of parenthesis for extra information! These information texts were fascinating to read and we didn’t know it was possible for the children to sound like such animal experts about made up creatures! In PSHE this week, the children explored expressing their feelings through similes and comparing these feelings to animals. The children then turned these feelings on their head to focus on the here and now! The children have also explored family trees in our new Tudor topic and they had the task to create their own family tree to work out who would be king or queen in their Royal Family!

Friday, 29 January 2021

Year 4 newsletter

 Year 4 have bene super busy with their home learning activities this week! Again, your teachers are so impressed with the work that is being sent in. 

In English this week, we have been creating our own planets and describing the adventures we had when we visited!  Some of our missions included, collecting space dust, taking samples from the magical waterfall and even climbing volcanoes! 

As we were feeling so creative this week, we decided to reignite a Lockdown 1.0 tradition of painting pebbles and creating a pebble snake! You may have seen the pebble snake outside of the front gates at school in the Firs.  Please feel free to add to the snake if you wish!