Friday 25 February 2022

Year 3 Newsletter

Year 3 Newsletter

Have you heard of the the three little pigs and the tall tale they spun about the "big, bad" wolf? Well, year 3 have got their thinking hats on and ready to investigate this story further.

With his charming smile and passion for reducing waste (including leftover pig!), we were lucky to hear the wolf's side of the story.  

We couldn't wait to interrogate the wolf with many questions like: 

  • Do you think you have been treated fairly?
  • Are you the true villain of the story?
  • Why did you eat the first two pigs?
  • Did you mean to hurt anyone?
We were able to understand the wolf from a brand new perspective and who knows, maybe year 3 can prove Mr Wolf's innocence and change the story once and for all!

This term, we are focusing on ball skills to prepare ourselves for tennis techniques and skills. We have used our knowledge of stopping, throwing and catching to help refresh our memories of ball handling and how we can apply this knowledge to different areas of sport.

We had a fantastic RAW (Religion and Worldviews) lesson this week. With the question being, "will we ever live in a world without fighting?", we were influenced by popular music that addressed this issue. This matched nicely with World Kindness Day and we each created pledges to show how we can work towards making the world a better and kinder place for everyone to live. 

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