Monday 25 April 2022

Nursery Newsletter

What a great start we have had to the summer term!

Our new summer term topic is 'Minibeasts'.  The children have been very excited exploring our new role play area - 'Minibeast Investigation Lab' using magnifying glasses to look closely at the different minibeasts found in there.

The children have been looking closely at a number of different types of minibeasts with their teachers and, using talk, have been naming and describing the selected minibeasts.  They were then asked to choose 1 or 2 of their favourite minibeasts and explain to us why they were their favourites.

On our tuff spot the children had natural materiels to explore adn were encouraged to create their own minibeasts from the resources.

For our SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship) lesson this week we started looking at how we can look after ourselves and stay healthy by thinking of the importance of washing hands.  We asked the questons, When do we wash our hands?; Why do we wash our hands?; and What might happen if we didn't wash our hands?  We demonstrated how germs can easily pass from one person to the next by passing around the circle a teddy bear covered in sand (fake germs) and how the sand came off the bear onto everyone's hands.  We then had a lovely time learning how to wash our hands properly with soap, e.g. washing between our fingers, around the base of the thumb, on the back of our hands, around our wrists and washing our fingernails.

In our RAW (RE lessons) we have started a new topic of Stories from around the world.  This week we looked at the famous Aesop's Fable of 'The Hare and the Tortoise', thinking about how the tortoise won the race by not rushing and being careful and slow and steady.  A helpful moral for all of us in our daily lives these days, to take time over the things we do to ensure success.

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