Monday 25 April 2022

Year 6 Newsletter

 Year 6 have come back to school energised, positive and ready for their final term at Windhill21.

We have started a new unit of work in English, looking at 'Disruption of the Norm'. Using everything from Orwell's famous opening line to 1984, "It was a bright cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen...," to Lucy disappearing into an ordinary wardrobe - and ending up in Narnia - as inspiration, we are thoroughly enjoying describing our portals to another mysterious, fantastical place and taking our readers on quite the journey! 

In Science, we have begun to investigate Evolution. This week, we began to understand Darwin's work on this subject, and are really looking forward to further investigating the concept of 'inheritance' - and understanding which features our parents have passed onto us.

Our French lessons are preparing the year group for both our trip to France in a few weeks, and for the French Week those staying in school will enjoy. The children are becoming very proficient in ordering different foods for different meals, and understanding French grammar to make their sentences longer and more sophisticated. We also have some very adventurous eaters, who are looking forward to try lots of different French cuisine - and certainly plenty of French cheese!

We have also continued to sing our hearts out as we prepare for the 02 trip next Thursday - we are confident we will be the most melodious school in the building!

Of course, all the children are also preparing for their SATs - and in a calm, positive atmosphere. This work is also excellent preparation for the next step in their academic journey, as they ready themselves for secondary school.

Well done to year 6 - as always, so hard working, so positive and so enthusiastic about all you do.

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