Monday 15 March 2021

Year 1 Newsletter

It's been so lovely to see the children back in school. We have all been so impressed with how they've dealt with being back in the school routine and how positive they've been every day. We've had a strong focus on PSHE this week, with a well-being lesson every day. We have encouraged children to discuss any anxieties they have had and have talked through the positive times they have had over these last two months. 

We read the story The Invisible String and talked about that the children have invisible string made of love, that connects them to the people they love, when they are not with them. 


We have continued with our African topic and after making some wonderful observational drawings of masks in home-learning, this week, we got to start making our own masks. We used a 3d mask template and covered it with papier mache. Some of us used some foam packaging 'chips' to go over the eyebrows to create an enhanced 3d effect. The children really enjoyed getting their hands gloopy and can't wait to continue it next week! 


Staying with the Africa theme, in Topic, we have been taking a closer look at some of the African countries (specifically Uganda and South Africa) on Google Earth. We then discussed other ways of looking at countries of the world and then explored a selection of atlases. The children found their favourite pages and discussed why. We looked at the flags, continents and oceans. We even sang songs to help us remember the names of all the 7 continents and 5 oceans and labelled a giant class map. 


We're looking forward to lots more Africa learning with the children before Easter - it's been so lovely having them back! 


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