Friday 12 March 2021

Year 5 Newsletter

The year 5 classrooms have certainly been buzzing this week! It has been great to see the children throwing themselves back into their learning and producing some great work. 

In writing this week, we have been looking at the short Disney film ‘Feast’. Using this clip we have been able to craft some great narrative writing, which includes some fantastic year 5 features. As a class, we have been able to write a model, which the children can use to help them - our narrative writing so far sounds amazing! We cannot wait to continue with our stories next week. 

We have been continuing our work on fractions in maths this week. This is a very challenging topic, but every single member of year 5 has persevered and achieved great things. 

In PSHE, we have spoken about the impact of lockdown and how this has made us feel about returning to school. We have been completing our well-being journals and thinking about how we have achieved the 5 parts of well-being (connect, active, learning, give, notice).

Finally, in science we have been exploring the materials of our school. All the children were able to explain why objects were made with certain materials, by referring to their properties. 

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