Wednesday 25 September 2019

Y5 – Online safety – SMART

The Year 5 computing theme this term is Data Matters.  The children will investigate the concept of “big data” and its use in the world. They will review different data file types. They explore binary form and develop understanding of computer networks. They will search more efficiently and investigate their digital footprints (or ‘digital tattoos’), building safe and responsible use of online spaces. Their big project this term is to design and create a flat file database and use searching and sorting to process the data they collect into information, developing accuracy and efficiency.

To start off this term we have been spending the first weeks reviewing and refreshing ourselves with online safety, how to keep safe online and how to spot potential dangers.

We have been using ‘NearPod’ to record answers to questions such as ‘What is Cyber Bullying’, and ‘How can you use Social Media Responsibly’?  We finished off with a Kahoot quiz on online safety

- Safe - keep your personal information safe.
MMeet - Don't meet up with anyone you have met online.
A - Accept - Don't accept files or a download that is sent to you.
R - Reliable. Not everyone you meet online is reliable.
T - Tell.  If in doubt, always tell an adult.

What do we mean by Online safety?
“To be safe online you don’t make friends who you have met online.  Also don’t meet up with someone you have met with online because they might be dangerous.  Don’t write or give people your name, address, phone number or email.”

What are the dangers or concerns using social media?
“The dangers are someone who you don’t know could message you and send you inappropriate photos and ask you personal questions like where you live and your age.”

How can you use social media responsibly?
“Put your privacy settings on so no one can follow you without your consent and so no strangers can put inappropriate comments on.”  “Be nice online and people will be positive back.”

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