Friday 9 July 2021

I'm fuming with fury....!!!! just one of the many lines from the Year 6 production that have become imprinted on all our minds as we have been spending a lot of time rehearsing over the last fortnight!  The children have all made us really proud of their effort and professionalism, whether they be backstage, front stage, part of the choir or the dance troupe.  Likewise, all three classes put on terrific performances for the performance poetry last week. Somehow, we have also managed to do continue with lessons in between rehearsals and performances! We were totally fascinated when we created line graphs and bar charts from climate data in various locations around the world. This information also highlighted to use why many people are desperate to go to Spain on holiday rather than having staycations in England! We have also continued to study our class novel, A Monster Calls and the diverse themes related to the text.  in particular, we enjoyed looking into the history of fairy tales and examinng how forests can be regenerated around the world!   Well done year 6 for keeping on track right up to the end!

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