Monday 4 February 2019

Year 4 newsletter

We have really been enjoying studying Antarctica this term.  Moore class were even gifted real snow for their Polar Survival skills in the forest!  Using extracts from the film 'Shackleton', we have been writing diaries in literacy as if we were stowaways on the Endurance (although most of us did not like the idea of eating seal)!  Given this interest, we have been debating in P4C, the circumstances in Antarctica 100 years ago and whether it is ever okay to eat wildlife. Apparently Captain Scott had a distaste for penguin blubber but quite liked to eat seal!  As teachers, we have been impressed with so many children asking to read books that we have been using for our ERICs in guided reading.The house with chicken legs' is one that us teachers are keen to borrow!  We have also been investigating melting, boiling and evaporating in science, most recently designing fair tests to determine what makes socks dry fastest.

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