We had a fantastic time in World Book Week creating our own ‘Worst Children, after reading about the characters in David Walliams’ World’s Worst Children 2. The children wrote fantastic character descriptions, drew portraits and made picture frames to display them in. Be very glad that you don’t have Messy Missy, Boastful Bethany and Sneaky Sam sharing your home. Miss Millar and Mrs Smith are incredibly grateful that they don’t have those children in Sarro and Warhol! We also got together with reading buddy classes. Sarro with Harrison and Warhol with Hepworth. A fabulous time was had by all!
We’ve also been colograph printing this week, making wrappers for our chocolate bars. First the chocolate teams had to make their printing tile- it was very tricky because the name of the chocolate bar had to be stuck on backwards so that it can be the right way round when it’s printed! Then they did some practise prints and evaluated these before printing their wrappers. They look fantastic!
In science we have visited the forest habitat and explored the different micro habitats there. We found: earthworms, yellow slugs, centipedes, millipedes, beetle larvae, devil’s coach horse, spiders to name a few. We used pooters to collect the smallest creatures and those that were brave enough picked up the rest to put in pots. We took them back to the classroom to do observational drawings.
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