Monday 3 February 2020

Year 4 newsletter

Last week, Rousseau and Picasso class were very busy designing and conducting their own science experiment to see which material makes ice melt the quickest. This would then support Mr Wilson’s father to decide how best to melt the ice on his drive in Canada. We found out that Coca Cola, medicine and salt were the best performers. We also discovered that curry powder actually insulated the ice and meant that it melted slower than the control experiment. 

Whilst we have been busy with Science, we have also been using decimal numbers in maths. We have compared and ordered, put them on a number line and rounded to the nearest whole number (Mrs Moore was very impressed with our rounding skills!) If you would like to practise at home, this is how we have been working! 

This is just a reminder that this Thursdays afternoon is Rousseau’s strings concert and next Thursday afternoon we are at the Festival of Literature.

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