Sunday 8 November 2020

Year 3 Performance Poetry

This week the children have been exploring poetry to support their understanding of a range of vocabulary that they will use to write character descriptions over the next few weeks. The children have written some fantastic poetry and used a range of brilliant language. 

Riley class's poem is based on the character Bellatrix from Harry Potter. The children thought carefully about how she moved and what sounds she made to use powerful verbs to write a poem following a given structure. Having written the class poem, the children thought about how they could perform their poem using a range of levels, actions and projected voices. 

Matisse's class poem is based on the character Vernon Dursley from Harry Potter. The children enjoyed observing his characteristics to make their own actions and freeze frames which they used throughout their performance. The children collaborated to write a class poem using powerful verbs, adverbs and adjectives to bring the character to life. 


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