Thursday 15 November 2018

Celebrating World Philosophy Day in Reception

To celebrate World Philosophy Day, we were inspired by the book "How Big is a Million" by Anna Milbourne. Just before reading our story, the children had a chance to think about how big a million really is...

Image result for how big is a million

"A million is big like a T-rex!"

"A million is more than all the people in this school!"

"A million is as big as 30 volcanoes, or houses,
all stacked up on top of each other!"

After our first thoughts, we read the story, which showed us... ten fish... a hundred penguins... a thousand snowflakes... and indeed a million stars! The children were in awe at the sheer amount of stars on the pages in front of them:

"That's more than I could even imagine!"

This got us thinking about more questions, which we discussed with our talk partners. We used the talk frame "I think... because..." to help us become Agent Communicator. At first, the questions we came up with were answerable, such as "How big is 5?" and "How big is 22?". We had to think really hard to come up with questions the made our brains whirr! Eventually, our brains were working at full speed...

How many fish are in the rivers and oceans together?

How many leaves are on every tree?

How many people are on Earth and in space?

The children have been really engaged with coming up with Brain Growing questions, using their philosophical thinking to enhance their mathematical skills of estimation. 

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