Sunday 16 May 2021

Mr Wolf sick of his bad reputation!


In year three, we have been learning about the true story of the three little pigs as told by the "big, bad wolf" himself, Mr A Wolf. 

After reading his story, we have discussed whether Mr Wolf is truly guilty. Mr Wolf begins his tale baking a cake for his grandma, Mr Wolf has a terrible cold and is in desperate need of a cup of sugar. We see him meet the three little pigs and the impact his awful cold has upon the other characters.  

We loved the story and were keen to meet this infamous character to ask him some burning questions. The children came up with some fantastic questions such as "Do you think of yourself as a criminal for destroying the houses?" and "Why didn't you go to the shops to get sugar instead of bothering your neighbours?"

We decided that Mr Wolf isn't really big and bad, but just had a terrible cold and couldn't say no to a nice ham lunch! Here are some examples of the narratives we began to write this week: 

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