Monday 17 May 2021

Year 6 Newsletter

 Over the last fortnight, as well as achieving proficiency in cycling through their bikeability course, Year 6 have been busy investigating the controversy surrounding the Elgin marbles.  Each pupil wrote an interesting discussion text on whether the ancient antiquities that have been housed for the last two hundred years in the British Museum should be returned to Athens.  While most people concluded that they thought they should be returned, others made a strong case as to why they should remain in the British Museum.  In English, we have started a new writing unit retelling the opening to Patrick Ness' 'A Monster Calls' and have immersed themselves in powerful imagery, vocabulary and emotion.  Next week, we will combine all our learning into our independent writing.

Our journey into evolution has continued in science lessons, as we have looked further into how species evolve, mutate and develop - we have even discovered the mutation of a black fox patrolling the streets of London; a true marker of how species mutate to suit their settings....although, many thousands of years could elapse before we see this animal become a dominant species!

Topic lessons have seen us continue to examine the differing city states of Sparta and Athens, and we have enjoyed using the evidence and clues the Ancient Greeks have left us as a tool to learn more about these two very different places.

We have also created a Greek god and goddess family tree....and even made some Greek myth 'Top Trumps'....Zeus proved hard to beat!

The children have solidified their knowledge of volume, measure, shape and time in maths - we have been so impressed with how they have applied their knowledge and skills to a variety of problems.

Well done, year 6, another cracking fortnight of learning!

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