Monday 30 March 2020

The Assassin- By Emily

The uninviting mist consumed the eerily dark sky, a full moon piercing through the despair-filled air. The assassin's beady eyes lingered across its victim’s home, unmoving, waiting for his unexpected victim to pass by any moment now. The assassin gave a wicked smile, his soft extended coat covering him head to toe, blends into the inky, starless night sky.

"Any second now, I can make my move." Thought the assassin in his blood-thirsty mind. He crept in the darkest quarter of his hiding spot, impatiently waiting for his unexpected victim to set foot in his territory. The murderer's adrenaline started racing. Every moment felt like hours, days!

Every limb was numb with determination. Just as the assassin was about to come out of his pose - ready to pounce, giving up - when... "Creak, crack."

"It’s time" chuckled the craving-for-death assassin. "Any moment now my long waited victim would come into sight, and that will be the end."

Getting into the perfect position to strike, the noise from his victim came to rest. He steadied his whole body making sure not to make a single sound, not a single movement. Patiently waiting, watching, preparing for the right moment to make the final blow. And then... out soared a piece of litter.

"Drats!" shrieked the assassin letting out all his anger.

Being more inpatient and more determined than the beginning of this failure of assassination he struck back into his position. Tensing his whole body.

Trying to stay calm, they took a deep breath, as quietly as they could. Panicking, he fixed his vision on the walkway their unfortunate victim would walk. And then out of the mist, the victim appeared, unaware to what was about to happen, the murderer gave a sinful smile. Swoop! Rip!
"Piece of cake!" Chuckled the murderer under his breath.

A torn dead anoles on the swaying, bloodstained grass, reduced to bits of dry, scaly skin. The crow flew back down already tasting the dead anoles. The crow seized his prey in his beak and went back to his precious nest, the anoles still in his mouth. He and his impatient chicks prepared for their feast.

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